Galalite Prism 3d Screen Shines Bright
The well renowned E-Square Cinema in Pune recently installed the new Galalite Prism 3D Sliver Screen. E-Square commenced its operations in June 2003 and in just 4 years it has become India’s well known cinema exhibitor by keeping its occupancy levels and revenues much ahead of the industry averages. The cinema has always kept in pace with the latest technology.
“Indian cinema exhibitors have kept pace with technology and have evolved with time, however with the advent of 3D & digital projection everything has changed and the entire projection setup has changed from projector to screen; so we had recently embarked on a programme to totally upgrade our presentation equipment and give our audience a state-of-the-art experience. We found Galalite’s Prism 3D quality not only more than equivalent to any international brand, but also best suited for our requirement, “says Hemant Panchamia, managing Director, E-square Group.
Galalite Prism 3D 2.4 gain silver screen which will be used with the latest twin Baroo 4K (DP4K-23B) projectors. This combination will delight cinema audiences with a visual experience within this important cinema town.
We had already installed an imported silver screen a few years ago, but as usual, the silver screens from other manufactures have quite a narrow viewing angle, thus we installed only one silver screen out of total five screens as we primary needed to project 2D content “Says Mr. Panchamia. “However, with Galalite’s new silver screen, the viewing angles are excellent, we also never faced any issued with 2D screening which we faced with imported silver screen. The results which we have achieved with the screen are amazing and 3D presentation in particular with the new screen is stunning and realistic. We are completely satisfied with the performance we have achieved and have planned to upgrade all our 5 Screens to Prism 3D in the near future. We are glade that we took the decision to install Galalite Prism 3D Screens.”
“We’re delighted that the E-square Group chose Galalite to provide the screen as part of its cinema upgrade. It says a lot about the features of our Prism 3D surface when we are able to satisfy the requirement of a technically sound and experienced person such as Mr. Panchamia, “says Mr. Shabbir Galabhaiwala, Director- Galalite Screens.
Prism 3D, Galalite’s cutting edge ultra-high brightness sliver screens is optimized for digital 3D cinema as well as 2D screening which enhances the movie viewing experience and brings imagination to life.
Galalite has formulated a proprietary formula for its Prism 3D which eliminates hot spotting even in 2D content presentation. With a protective layer that improves life of the screen surface which thus keeps light levels higher for longer, the screens are capable of presenting a superb 3D experience with absolutely no ghosting effect.
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